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Driving defensively will help you avoid truck accidents

When traveling on Pennsylvania highways, it is best to drive defensively. Defensive driving involves doing such things as going at a safe rate of speed and, whenever possible, maintaining plenty of separation between yourself and the other vehicles on the road.

Defensive driving is especially critical when traveling near big rig trucks. It is important to understand that it requires more time and distance for these vehicles to come to a stop. Moreover, truck drivers are often unable to see vehicles that are too close to their trucks.

The following are some tips for driving defensively near trucks:

  • Do not pull in front of a truck abruptly. Make sure you have plenty of room and signal before moving into a truck's lane.
  • Stay out of a truck's blind spots, which are sometimes called "No-Zones." No-Zones are areas beside and behind a truck that the driver cannot see.
  • If you see a truck that is merging or changing lanes, adjust your speed appropriately to allow it to complete the maneuver safely.
  • Avoid driving in between big rig trucks.
  • As you pass a truck, be prepared for possible cross-wind or turbulence.

It is not unusual to feel apprehensive when driving in the vicinity of 18-wheelers. However, by driving defensively, you give yourself a better chance of maneuvering to safety if the situation becomes dangerous.

Truck drivers also have a duty to operate their rigs responsibly. This means that they not only have to observe the rules of the road but follow all federal truck regulations as well. These regulations extend to their own behavior regarding such things as getting proper rest between shifts and not using mobile devices while driving. They also must follow rules that cover truck maintenance and cargo securement.

If you or a member of your family have the misfortune of being in a truck accident, a Pennsylvania truck attorney may be able to assist you in pursuing fair compensation. Truck accidents can become extremely complex. An attorney can help you not only determine liability, but also advise you on your best course of legal action.

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