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The Personal Injury Division of Blackburn & Stoll
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Drunk driving leads to tragedy in Utah and across the country

When someone makes the choice to drink and drive, they place everyone, motorists and pedestrians alike, in potential danger. And sadly, far too many people engage in this dangerous activity, often with tragic consequences. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, every day in the United States, there are nearly 30 fatalities attributable to accidents involving alcohol-impaired drivers.

The cumulative statistics are even harder to accept. In 2013, over 10,000 people lost their lives in alcohol-impaired driving collisions. This number represented more than 30 percent of all traffic-related fatalities.

And Utah is not immune to the devastating effects of impaired driving. In 2013, there were more than 2,500 crashes that resulted from drivers being under the influence of alcohol or drugs. These crashes caused 1,605 injuries and 76 deaths.

There is simply no excuse for driving while intoxicated. A motor vehicle collision can cause victims to suffer terrible physical and emotional trauma. In some cases, victims are forced to endure long periods of hospitalization followed by extensive rehabilitative treatment. This extended care can be very expensive.

Drunk drivers who are responsible for causing injury-accidents should be held accountable for their actions. If you or a member of your family has been the victim of a drunk driver's negligence, you may wish to contact a Utah personal injury attorney.

An experienced attorney could assess your situation to determine an amount that would represent a fair settlement. The attorney could then work with insurance companies in an effort to get you a level of compensation that meets your present and future needs.

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