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Should I see a doctor after a car accident?

Even minor car accidents have the potential to leave the parties involved in a state of shock and panic. The moments immediately following a car accident are of extreme importance if there is any hope of seeking compensation for your loss or damages. What you do or don't do may significantly impact the outcome of an insurance investigation, criminal investigation or personal injury claim.

Many people are injured every year in car accidents they believe are not serious enough to warrant a visit to a medical professional. However, each year individuals suffer injuries they are not aware of until much later. Nerves, adrenaline and shock, can prevent a person from feeling the severity of their injuries until they have worn off. A medical professional will be able to evaluate you for possible injuries that you do not recognize. In many cases, the charges for a medical evaluation or immediate treatment of an injury are covered by your insurance company until fault is established.

Being evaluated by a medical professional is a great first step to take if you are considering seeking a personal injury claim. It is a doctor's job to provide you with a professional medical diagnosis. In the event you seek compensation through a personal injury lawsuit, a medical doctor's professional opinion may be invaluable to your case.

It is important for drivers to understand that even minor accidents can pose a significant threat to their health and physical well-being. Regardless of if you feel injured or completely fine, being evaluated by a medical professional should always be the first step taken after an automobile accident. After a comprehensive medical evaluation, you may choose to speak to a personal injury attorney. An attorney may be able to better evaluate your claim with the knowledge and diagnosis offered by a medical doctor.

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