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Newest Zero Fatalities book on its way to Utah teens

Losing a child is one of the most difficult things a person can go through. For parents, talking about the loss of their child is like reliving the pain all over again. In 2014, 29 teens lost their lives on Utah roads, and despite how difficult sharing their stories might be, some of the parents of those children are speaking out in this year's addition of the Zero Fatalities campaign publication.

For the last seven years, a Zero Fatalities sponsored book, meant to detail how bad decisions behind the wheel can impact lives, has been given to the students of Utah's driver education programs. Several families that have suffered the loss of a child have decided to share their personal stories in this year's edition, in hopes it will prevent other teen drivers from making the same mistakes that were responsible for their child's death.

Even though recounting the loss of their child is painful, most families are not at all reluctant to share their stories. Since the beginning of the Zero Fatalities book campaign, teen deaths have dropped in Utah by an impressive 63 percent. And while the stories shared in the publication represent the lives not saved, parents hope their tears and pain make others teens think twice before getting behind the wheel.

Some of the stories in the newest edition of the Zero Fatalities publication come from families who have lost their teens, not to their own mistakes, but to the recklessness of other drivers. A driver's decision to drive drunk, distracted or recklessly can have a devastating and costly impact on families, friends and the community. Campaigns like this one may be able to reach some teens in time to stop their reckless habits.

A family who has lost a loved one due to a similar act of recklessness may wish to solicit the services of an attorney. The attorney could work toward helping the family hold the responsible party accountable.

Source: Fox13, "Parents of Utah teens killed in preventable accidents plead with drivers to use more caution," Kierstan Nunez, Nov. 18, 2015

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