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Failure to yield a measurable threat

In January 2015, the Utah Highway Safety Office released their 2014 traffic report totals for deaths on Utah roads. The preliminary report showed an alarming growth in traffic related deaths, up by 36 compared to the year prior. While that number alone may not seem significant, finding out the 2014 totals were the highest they've been in six years is.

According to the report, all recorded areas showed an increase in fatalities except drowsy driving accidents and crashes involving drivers over the age of 65. As can be expected speeding, teen drivers and alcohol were among the top contributing factors for the 2014 totals. However, what may come as somewhat of a surprise to many is that deaths related to a driver's failure to yield made the top eight, accounting for roughly 12 percent of fatalities.

The number of deaths on Utah roads as a result of drivers failing to yield is almost twice as many as those caused by distracted drivers. In fact, this traffic violation is responsible for causing more fatal accidents than animals, following too closely and improper passing combined.

Being cited for a failure to yield can cost a driver points from their license as well as carry a hefty fine. However, the numbers don't lie, and drivers ignoring yield signs is causing a measurable and concerning number of deaths.

If you have suffered injury or lost a loved one because of a driver's failure to yield, you may be entitled to compensation. Speaking to a trusted personal injury attorney can help answer any questions you have about the rights you have as a victim.

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