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Salt Lake City Motor Vehicle Accident Law Blog

How can a driver's logbook affect my personal injury case?

Commercial truck drivers are required to keep hours of service records in their logbooks. Ideally, these records should be legible, accurate and true. Unfortunately, for some commercial truck drivers, this isn't always the case. After an accident, it is common for commercial truck operators to have their records and logbooks thoroughly investigated. While comprehensive and accurate records can be used to defend commercial truck drivers in the event of an accident, logbooks found to be incomplete or false may actually work to support a personal injury case against the commercial carrier.

Road rash is not always a minor injury

One of the most common injuries suffered by motorcyclists is that of road rash. Road rash is a simplified term used to describe skin abrasions resulting from exposed flesh meeting road surfaces. Despite being extremely painful, these injuries are not typically life-threatening. However, they can result in scarring and occasionally, skin infections. It is important for motorcyclists to understand that road rash is not always a minor injury, and after any accident, even a minor one, it is always best to seek medical attention.

Does sleepiness really lead to trucking accidents?

After a commercial trucking accident, the question that comes to mind for many is if driver fatigue played a role in the crash. This is probably because The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has historically linked driver fatigue to an increased risk of auto accidents. They have even gone so far as to label sleepiness at the wheel as dangerous as drunk driving.

Facing the challenges of litigation after a car accident

For those that have been injured in a car accident due to the negligence of another driver, the days following the accident are some of the most crucial for recovery. Not only is it important to seek immediate and comprehensive medical care, but it is equally important to speak with an attorney about a potential personal injury lawsuit.

Pay special attention to the littlest pedestrians

Thousands of pedestrians are injured or killed each year in pedestrian-vehicle accidents. Unfortunately, some of these victims are children that suffer even greater injury. Unlike their full-size counterparts, child pedestrians are often less visible and more unpredictable to drivers. It is important for drivers to understand the significance of their duty of care when it comes to driving in areas where children are present.

Negligent drivers pose dangers for summer travelers

Hopefully, you will have plenty of time this summer to be with your family and friends. One of the great joys of summer is being able to take a road trip or vacation with the people you care about. It is extremely important to be aware of the potential hazards you may face while driving.

Choosing the right motorcycle makes for better riding

Has the warm weather inspired you to finally take the plunge and buy your first motorcycle? If so, then you are likely very excited about the prospect of saddling up and heading out on the Utah roadways. But it is very important to temper your enthusiasm with patience. You want to take your time and choose the motorcycle that is best suited for your personal needs.

What should be included in my road trip vacation plans?

As the summer months approach, you may be dedicating more thought to your vacation plans. And if you are anticipating hitting the highways to venture to exciting locales, you will likely want to map out your travel itinerary well in advance. By doing this, you will not only maximize the fun you can have while on the road, but you can also improve your chances of arriving at your destination and returning home safely.

School bus drivers are required to obtain endorsements

Every day, thousands of Utah children board the big yellow buses that transport them to school. When parents allow their child to ride the school bus, they do so with the belief that the person behind the wheel is properly trained and capable of getting to and from the school safely. As such, it is extremely important that all school bus drivers have the proper accreditation.

Driving defensively will help you avoid truck accidents

When traveling on Pennsylvania highways, it is best to drive defensively. Defensive driving involves doing such things as going at a safe rate of speed and, whenever possible, maintaining plenty of separation between yourself and the other vehicles on the road.

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